Cremer North America’s lab services department achieves big results in a short time
Cremer North America’s laboratory services are effectively positioned to face many challenges in order to meet client demands.
Primarily, the lab’s goal is to analyze and combine raw materials to be used in a wide variety of consumer products, including everything from personal care items, to pharmaceutical, and even food.
Occasionally, however, a customer will need a solution that differs from the routine.
One such customer, one of Cremer North America’s largest glycerine suppliers, had a pressing issue for which the experts in the Cremer North America lab were asked to help resolve.
Completing Certificate of Analysis (CoA) testing is a standard service for the Cremer lab, but in this case, the long-time customer needed a group of CoA’s done, fast.
That was when Hart Moore, glycerine, vegetable oils and co-products business manager, and Remi Bannick, lab services manager at Cremer North America, set to work on adjusting their teams’ processes to achieve the expected results.
“They have batch tanks and quick turnarounds on the CoA so they can start selling and don’t get tank locked with material,” Moore said.
Even the normal volume of CoA testing still has some inherent challenges.
“We do their testing for them so that they don’t have to maintain a GMP/GLP ISO laboratory. The timing is slightly slower since they have to overnight us samples,” Bannick adds.
The Cremer lab’s solution was to deploy rapid staffing changes to meet the faster turnarounds accompanying the increased volume demands.
“Remi was able to manage these turnarounds with staffing changes,” Moore said.
The increased rotation allowed for a fast and responsible CoA testing process.
“We support up to six-day per week coverage with advance notice via staffing flexibility and overtime,” said Bannick.
With the innovative and quick-thinking staffing solution, Cremer North America was able to meet the demanding turnaround time on the CoA testing for the customer, who was very happy with the results.
Cremer North America’s lab services are catered to each specific customer, and this solution is just another example of the importance of teamwork and organizational flexibility.
The expected outcome was well-received, and the two companies look forward to a bright future.
“We have a great relationship, and they are very important to Cremer,” Moore said.